Our services…
You Matter…
At Finnick Creative we get to know your business and what your goals are. After being armed with wealth of information, and a cup of tea the germs of an idea start to spring up.
It may not be the final solution – that’s the magic of the process – but you’ll never stop finding interesting alleyways to veer down. Once we’ve collected, processed and planned, we make you a cup of tea (we love tea) and show you some great creative ideas.

Design Matters….
Good design is so much more than just aesthetics; it is part psychology with a dash of problem-solving and some colouring-in. Great design looks effortless; brilliant design makes you wish you’d thought of it. Ultimately though, the measure of any creative solution is not just how it looks, but also how it works.
A designer is a psychologist. To design well, you have to understand the actions of the user. Always at the back of your mind you are considering what will they do, how will they feel, and whether it is logical. Designers are a thoughtful bunch.